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Freedom of Information Requests

Persons wishing to obtain district records should submit a written request to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer. The Mercer County School District FOIA officer is the superintendent of schools. Requests may be sent by personal delivery, mail, telefax, or other means available.

Current contact information is as follows:

Mercer County School District #404
Attn: Superintendent 
203 N Washington Street
Joy, IL 61260

309/582-2238 (phone)

844/975-1215 (fax)

Responses to FOIA requests will be provided within five (5) business days of receipt unless the time for the request is extended as specified in Section 3 of FOIA. The first 50 pages of letter or legal size black-and-white paper copies will be provided free of charge. A charge of $.15 will be assessed for all copies thereafter. When other means for providing copies is used, the actual costs of the recording medium will be charged.


Preliminary drafts, notes or recommendations will not be released. Additionally, the district will not release information if:


1. The requested material does not exist;

2. Complying with the request would be unduly burdensome; and/or

3. The requested materials disclose highly personal or objectionable information or information in which someone’s right to privacy outweighs any legitimate public interest in obtaining the information.


Whenever the district receives a request for information it believes is exempt from disclosure, it will notify the requester of its intent to deny. Information exempt from disclosure under Section 7 of FOIA will be redacted. (5 ILCS 140/2.20). All public records in the custody or possession of the school district are presumed to be open to inspection or copying. “Public records" means all records, reports, forms, writings, letters, memoranda, books, papers, maps, photographs, microfilms, cards, tapes, recordings, electronic data processing records, electronic communications, recorded information and all other documentary materials pertaining to the transaction of public business, regardless of physical form or characteristics, having been prepared by or for, or having been or being used by, received by, in the possession of, or under the control of the school district.


FOIA includes, but is not limited to:

• Records of funds relating to the obligation, receipt, and use of public funds;

• Certified payroll records Settlement agreements entered into by or on behalf of the school district;

• Minutes of the open meetings of the governing body;

• Ordinances or resolutions that are maintained in printed form; and

• Directories of public officers and employees.

Persons wishing to submit a request in writing are encouraged to use the forms given below.

Request Form
Request Appeal Form

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