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Board of Education




Tab Balmer Jr.

Member Since 2013

Term End 2025

Completed Open Meetings Act

Jacob Lower

Member Since 2023

Term End 2027

Completed Open Meetings Act

Jason Monson, Secretary

Member Since 2021

Term End 2025

Completed Open Meetings Act

Lori Nelson

Member Since 2023

Term End 2027

Completed Open Meetings Act

Bill Smock, President

Member Since 2011

Term End 2027

Completed Open Meetings Act

Julie Wagner

Member Since 2013

Term End 2025

Completed Open Meetings Act


Don Yates, Vice President

Member Since 2008

Term End 2025

Completed Open Meetings Act

Board Meeting Dates FY25.jpg

Committee Assignments

  • Finance - Monson, Nelson, Wagner

  • Building and Grounds - Monson, Smock, Yates

  • Negotiations - Lower, Smock, Yates

  • Wellness - Balmer, Lower, Monson

  • Transportation - Balmer, Nelson, Wagner

  • Protocols - Smock, Wagner, Yates

  • Policy - Balmer, Lower, Nelson

  • Superintendent Eval - All Members 


Committee Meetings

The Finance Committee will meet on the Mondays before the Regular School Board meeting at 5:00 p.m. in the District Office unless otherwise noted.

Public Comment

The Board of Education welcomes public comment during the Public Comment portion of the agenda.  Those who wish to address the board should state their name and limit their statement to five minutes.  Comments are not restricted to items on the agenda; however, comments regarding specific student discipline cases or personnel issues are not allowed during Open Session.  Generally, these types of comments should come to the board only after they have been referred to the teacher, principal, or administrator who is closest to the situation.  If all other avenues for resolving these items have been exhausted and the issue has not been resolved, you may request to address the board, usually during closed session.

District Live Stream Link

To make it easier to find live streams and recordings of Board of Education Meetings, Building & Grounds Committee Meetings, and more, Mercer County School District now has its own YouTube 

channel.  All past and future district-level meetings and events will be streamed or posted on this channel.

For any questions, comments, or concerns, email You may also call the district office at (309) 582-2238 or the high school AV department at (309) 582-2223 Extension 749.

Link can be found in the upper left corner of the District Website Home Page - District Live Stream.


Ask the Board

Community members desiring to ask the Board questions about the District can click on the link below. Questions and answers thought to be of interest to others will be posted publicly (person who asked question will not be identified).


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